Daily Quote :
You will make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. ( Psalms16:11)


1.    Broaden students' horizons, helping them have a better understanding of the world through learning History.

2.    Enhance students' ability in learning History.

3.    Provide an interesting environment to learn History.

4.    Cultivate students' multiple intelligence.

5.    Develop students' critical thinking and analytical skills.

6.    Organise more fascinating activities to arouse students' interest in learning History.

7.    Design more tailored-made worksheet to meet the requirements of DSE.

8.    Categorise and enrich the existing teaching resources.

9.    Promote cross-subject learning.

10.  Increase the amount of English materials for lower form students who learn History in English.

11.  Promote independent learning, integrating elements of movies, discussion and writing into the curriculum.
