Daily Quote :
You will make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. ( Psalms16:11)


The study of the HMSC curriculum is designed to enable students to:

  • understand, analyse and act upon the physical, psychosocial, ecological and cultural dimensions of health and social care throughout peoples’ developmental stages, and in the context of their communities;
  • understand, analyse and act upon health-related hazards, conditions and situations, at the local, national and global levels, and in the context of the family, the workplace and of personal life;
  • develop an understanding of the various approaches to creating and maintaining a healthy community and appreciate the value of sustaining its development;
  • develop the basic competencies necessary to research, analyse, evaluate and communicate issues pertaining to health and to social and community care, and participate in related support services provided by institutions and organisations;
  • develop an understanding of the issues in health and social care at and across all levels and perspectives, and make proposals for possible solutions to these problems;
  • develop an understanding of the roles of a responsible individual as a citizen, worker or professional, and as an empathetic person in the family, the community, the workplace, and society;
  • acquire the health knowledge and skills that contribute to community health and are important for economic competitiveness.

